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App Dating Near Cerritos Ca

hefistedipiqui 2021. 6. 3. 22:04

  1. App Dating Near Cerritos California
  2. App Dating Near Cerritos Ca Zip
  3. App Dating Near Cerritos Ca Restaurants

Lunasia DimSum House: Food Brings People Together

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Originally from Alhambra, CA, Lunasia is known for its delectable Chinese dishes and wide array of dim sum (点心), a style of Cantonese food prepared as 'small bites' and traditionally served with tea.

Hi Lunasia customers!

As we all adjust to the current situation of COVID-19, Lunasia is joining other restaurants in closing down our locations for the safety of our communities. Thankfully, we’ve created an app to allow you to still order delivery and take-out! Search “Lunasia Dim Sum House” in the IOS and Android App Stores to place an order with us.

You can also visit location based website or call us:

Alhambra: 626-308-3222

ENG: https://www.qooway.com/olo/en?Lunasiaalhambra

CHINESE: https://www.qooway.com/olo/zhtw?Lunasiaalhambra

Pasadena: 626-793-8822

ENG: https://www.qooway.com/olo/en?LunasiaPasadena

CHINESE: https://www.qooway.com/olo/zhtw?LunasiaPasadena

App Dating Near Cerritos California

Cerritos: 562-265-9588

ENG: https://www.qooway.com/olo/en?LunasiaCerritos

CHINESE: https://www.qooway.com/olo/zhtw?LunasiaCerritos

Also Look below for our NEW HOURS

We look forward to hearing from you!

Cerritos is here! Come to:

11510 South Street C822, Cerritos, CA 90703 (562)265-9588



The perfect venue for parties, receptions, and get togethers. Great food and great company, what could be better?




From steamed buns to fried rice, Lunasia serves traditional Chinese cuisine and Hong Kong style dim sum with a modern twist.

App Dating Near Cerritos Ca Zip


App Dating Near Cerritos Ca Restaurants

Lunasia DimSum House is now in Alhambra, Pasadena, and Cerritos. Come for lunch and dinner!